2012年11月28日 星期三
2012年11月27日 星期二
For Your Eyes Only
1981 Sheena Easton - For Your Eyes Only
2012 Sheena Easton - For Your Eyes Only
For Your Eyes Only
For your eyes only, can see me through the night
For your eyes only, I never need to hide
You can see so much in me, so much in me that's new
I never felt until I looked at you
For your eyes only, only for you
You'll see what no one else can see, and now I'm breaking free
For your eyes only, only for you
The love I know you need in me, the fantasy you've freed in me
Only for you, only for you
For your eyes only, the nights are never cold
You really know me, that's all I need to know
Maybe I'm an open book because I know you're mine
But you won't need to read between the lines
For your eyes only, only for you
You see what no one else can see, and now I'm breaking free
For your eyes only, only for you
The passions that collide in me, the wild abandoned side of me
Only for you, for your eyes only
For your eyes only, I never need to hide
You can see so much in me, so much in me that's new
I never felt until I looked at you
For your eyes only, only for you
You'll see what no one else can see, and now I'm breaking free
For your eyes only, only for you
The love I know you need in me, the fantasy you've freed in me
Only for you, only for you
For your eyes only, the nights are never cold
You really know me, that's all I need to know
Maybe I'm an open book because I know you're mine
But you won't need to read between the lines
For your eyes only, only for you
You see what no one else can see, and now I'm breaking free
For your eyes only, only for you
The passions that collide in me, the wild abandoned side of me
Only for you, for your eyes only
2012年10月31日 星期三
2012 0125 Polar Bear Swimming@Asahiyama Zoo
Asahiyama Zoo果然厲害:
1. 透過透明玻璃,讓在水裡游泳的北極熊動作變慢,影像放大,遊客看得更清楚、更仔細,也更津津有味。
2. 站在水缸前拿著牌子的工作人員是在提醒前排的遊客蹲下,以及提醒大家,小朋友可以優先到前排近距離觀賞。
1. 透過透明玻璃,讓在水裡游泳的北極熊動作變慢,影像放大,遊客看得更清楚、更仔細,也更津津有味。
2. 站在水缸前拿著牌子的工作人員是在提醒前排的遊客蹲下,以及提醒大家,小朋友可以優先到前排近距離觀賞。
2012年10月30日 星期二
2012 0125 Penguin Parade@Asahiyama Zoo
Asahiyama Zoo最著名的Penguin Parade果然沒讓人失望,除了不能用手摸之外,那些卡哇伊到不行的企鵝真的是在『眼前』晃頭晃腦,那真是戴上3D眼鏡都不夠看了。
2012年10月10日 星期三
2012 0126 Oliver Departing from Asahikawa for Sapporo
從Asahikawa到Sapporo這趟約3小時的車 程有三個可看可聽之處:
1. 列車上除了廣播外鴉雀無聲,絕無手機鈴聲(甚至簡訊聲也 未聞半響),更無喧嘩交談之事,在聽覺上非常完美的一趟 乘坐經驗。
2. 車窗外雪景雖稍縱即逝,但仍美不勝收。
3. 從0:24開始可進行英文聽力練習,淺顯易懂。
1. 列車上除了廣播外鴉雀無聲,絕無手機鈴聲(甚至簡訊聲也
2. 車窗外雪景雖稍縱即逝,但仍美不勝收。
3. 從0:24開始可進行英文聽力練習,淺顯易懂。
2012年9月26日 星期三
2012年8月16日 星期四
李奧納多所言甚是: 世界上最危險的病毒名為"idea"。
一旦"idea"在人的潛意識成型,便構成所謂的"主觀"。主觀意識是一切行為的判準,加總累積便稱為"價值觀",好的價值觀可以讓周遭的人丶事或物因為我而再好一點; 反之,我們只能抱怨克里斯多福•諾蘭所創造的,像李奧納多這樣,能夠潛入你"潛意識"偷走你"idea"或放入一個"idea"的神偷,在真實世界,並不存在。
一旦"idea"在人的潛意識成型,便構成所謂的"主觀"。主觀意識是一切行為的判準,加總累積便稱為"價值觀",好的價值觀可以讓周遭的人丶事或物因為我而再好一點; 反之,我們只能抱怨克里斯多福•諾蘭所創造的,像李奧納多這樣,能夠潛入你"潛意識"偷走你"idea"或放入一個"idea"的神偷,在真實世界,並不存在。
2012年6月9日 星期六
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